
White Replacement Theory in the United States of America

by Cheryl Hege
September 2022
Thesis advisor: Dr. Joe Vitriol
Masters of Arts - Stony Brook University Department of Political Science


This paper examines ‘White Replacement Theory’ and its political implications in the United States of America. White Replacement Theory (WRT) is a conspiracy theory that reflects the belief that ethnically homogenous white populations of European descent are being ‘replaced’ by non-White individuals. This paper will examine the origin of WRT and the characteristics of those who support WRT contemporaneously, before reflecting on its implications for American politics by examining psychological and political factors that contribute to the pervasiveness of WRT. This paper will answer two research questions: which individual-level characteristics predict support for WRT, and how does WRT impact American politics? I will utilize decades of scholarly research on individual-level psychology to examine the phenomenon of WRT. I will examine the role that WRT has in molding the political landscape and discuss the consequences of this ideology for American politics. I conclude that the increase in mainstream acceptance of WRT poses a threat to democratic governance and norms, and may lead to increased polarization, extremism, and violence in American society. 

Hege, C. (2022). “White Replacement Theory in the United States of America”. [Master's thesis, Stony Brook, New York]. Theses.


Vargas, J. H., & Peet, J.Z. (2024). The first primer for the QuantCrit-curious critical race theorist or psychologist: On intersectionality theory, interaction effects, and AN(C) OVA/regression models. Journal of Social Issues.
DOI: 10.1111/josi.12604.

Referenced by:

Lehigh University's Marcon Insitute, News & Resources under "The Marcon Institute Researches the Mainstreaming of White Supremacy: White Replacement Theory in the US" (2023). 

Cultural Anthropologist Dr. Alma Gottlieb, Professor Emeritus at UIUC and a visiting scholar at Brown University, at the end of her post on Why "The Great Replacement Theory" is Not a Theory and Why that Matters (2022). 

PEN America
Publication Contributions

PEN America is a nonprofit human rights organization that works to defend free expression in the United States and internationally.

PEN America Contribution Citations

Vilk, V., et al. (2021). “No Excuse for Abuse. What Social Media Companies Can Do Now to Combat Online Harassment and Empower Users” PEN America, Digital Safety and Free Expression.

Deutsch Karlekar, K., et al. (2021). “Freedom to Write Index 2020.” PEN America.

“Writers at Risk Database.” PEN America, John Templeton Foundation, PEN International Secretariat, and the Writers in Prison Committee. (2020).  

“Covid-19 Free Expression Information Center - Ukraine.” PEN America. (2021).

“PEN America’s Online Harassment Field Manual.” PEN America, New York Community Trust, and Craig Newmark Philanthropies. (2021).