Instructor Experience

GLI 212.30 was designed and taught for the first time by Cheryl Hege in Winter 2024. The course was designed for undergraduate students at Stony Brook University's Insitute for Globalization Studies. The course was taught asynchronously and was open to all undergraduate students at Stony Brook University. 

GLI 212.30 Global Data Analysis provides an introduction to both qualitative and quantitative  data analysis within a global context

Qualitative (understanding non-numerical aspects of data through meaning and context) and Quantitative (numerical interpretations to find patterns and relationships in data) research methods.  Additionally, students will learn what goes into interviewing human subjects, interpreting data visualizations, and using real-world examples to understand global issues.

Semesters Taught:
Winter 2024

GLI 212.21 was designed and taught for the first time by Cheryl Hege in Summer 2022. The course was designed specifically for undergraduate students at Stony Brook University's Insitute for Globalization Studies. The course was taught asynchronously and was open to all undergraduate students at Stony Brook University. 

GLI 212.21 Terrorism and Global Security offered a multi-faceted look at what is terrorism, how it is defined in different countries, the psychology behind it, as well as the linkages with global security, and the challenges that stem from an increasingly globalized world.

International and Domestic Law Mechanisms, Psychological Manipulation, Databases, Militarized Cities, Terrorist Manifestos, Counterterrorism

Semesters Taught:
Summer 2022, 2023, 2024 

GLI 212 Teaching Evaluations: